Thursday, February 7, 2008


“School time expeditions (especially the dangerous ones that pose a high risk of being caned) has always encroached the pivotal chambers in our hearts, and the pirates of ashok nagar are no exception. We yearn the precious time we had wasted in boring essays, instead we could have had a quick run to the cavernous toilet, or a healthy verbal tussle about the recent film releases of the week.” Writes an enthusiastic pirate who wishes to share a hilarious episode that involves a wolfish devouring of the ‘ tasty kesari’ of our physics teacher. I am sure our schooling was very different when compared to yours, which you spent being bored by your teachers, but we spent our time in schools running around in circles. But we weren’t in the NCC, we were being chased by our martinet, who would be very disappointed if he hadn’t whacked at least ten boys for disobedience.
Our teacher that day, was stupid enough to move out of her place for a chat with the next-class teacher, and that was all it required for our pirate to make an attempt. When everybody was engrossed in knowing how the spectrometer works, pirate Hardy (who was so short that he needed a crane to look over the group of students) was looking bored and sulky. As his eyes roved over the assortment of instruments in the lab, his infallible eyes stopped over the alluring red Tiffin-box that stood right next to the lab- attendant. So the Himalayan task seemed impossible for pirate hardy, who beckoned pirate laurel for the task. Pirate Laurel was a professional in pilfering things that are very conspicuous.
As both the pirates were desperate for ideas, the diversion presented itself in the form of a fire alarm. Pirate Hardy scuttled like a rat, and pressed the fire alarm button. Much to the pirate’s dismay, the alarm went off throughout the school and caused a big pandemonium. Pirate laurel capitalized this distraction, and the Tiffin-box came into their custody. The most important thing is that the ‘kesari’ was exquisite in taste. This episode is one of the spectacular events that have inspired us in writing down our achievements, and so is the taste of the kesari ‘. There are other achievements that would make you faint, which lie on the pipeline. Just open your taps a little wider, and they will gush out.

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