These are some annoying things which keeps haunting one's ears, when had a chance to be in my college. The following remarks often arises doubt in one's mind weather this is a professional college or a kinder garden...
1. Morning 8.15 in college bus "POM imposition submit panniyacha da"... man, I guess the person who said this still has his ABCD and 1..2..4..to 100 imposition pending!!!
2. At 8.40 "Give your attendance and then you can go to bathroom" omg even my LKG teacher did not say this.. My college lecturers wants to control us in these intricate areas too.. so pathetic
3. "I want the copied assignment on Monday" I guess a photocopy will do!!! then why call it an Assignment...
4. Situation:This was a Lab hour, Lab was under renovation and so we were asked to spend our time in classroom with the same desultory lecture.
"All of you wear your Lab coat because itz lab hour" wtf is lab coat a protective gear like a superman Jacket!!!!
and at last
5. ("We are proud to say, we conduct our college day at night")*
* With students tied firmly to their seat and lectures with armed weapons to keep an eye on them sometimes Shoot at site order in their pocket....
1. Morning 8.15 in college bus "POM imposition submit panniyacha da"... man, I guess the person who said this still has his ABCD and 1..2..4..to 100 imposition pending!!!
2. At 8.40 "Give your attendance and then you can go to bathroom" omg even my LKG teacher did not say this.. My college lecturers wants to control us in these intricate areas too.. so pathetic
3. "I want the copied assignment on Monday" I guess a photocopy will do!!! then why call it an Assignment...
4. Situation:This was a Lab hour, Lab was under renovation and so we were asked to spend our time in classroom with the same desultory lecture.
"All of you wear your Lab coat because itz lab hour" wtf is lab coat a protective gear like a superman Jacket!!!!
and at last
5. ("We are proud to say, we conduct our college day at night")*
* With students tied firmly to their seat and lectures with armed weapons to keep an eye on them sometimes Shoot at site order in their pocket....
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